What is of value?
Extracts from an email sent home just before we left Saudi Aramco for good - Well, I am delighted that so many of you do read the, admittedly rather long, emails. But when else do I ever document what is going on in our lives? N-ever. So yes to all the queries, Fem has resigned from Saudi Aramco and we are embarking upon another new adventure. As to why? Well, there are the push factors and the pull factors, on both sides. Decisions are always multi-variate, particularly when you have now to take into account the needs of six people (including Doris), rather than those of the two who embarked upon the initial foray into the foreign territory of Saudi Arabia. We always came to Saudi Aramco with a five-year plan in mind. After five years Fem’s end-of-service benefits and amount we get to ship home change significantly – for the better – and it seemed like a reasonable time-line in terms of saving for the future and then getting out of here while the kids were still young enough fo...